Issue number #2 in my occasional series of podcasts is out now is out now: Krautpod#2 – Die Toten Hosen. Special thanks to all at for the kind words, and especially to Frankie who bought some Helden CDs on the strength of Krautpod#1.

Toten Hosen

April 4, 2005 | Comments Off on Toten Hosen

In compiling my Kraut Pop guide I wanted to introduce any English-speaking music fans to a narrow slice of German popular music. Keeping each section succint and to the point was my aim but the thing about the Hosen is that they’ve been there and done it all – two paragraphs ain’t gonna do them […]

I first heard of World Have Your Say towards the end of 2006 when an application to the BBC’s work experience web site was answered with an e-Mail asking if I’d be interested in doing a couple of weeks on WHYS. I was pretty pleased with that. Leaving an IT career for a journalism degree […]

Die Toten Hosen, Hier Kommt Alex

Andrew Young FSI

July 3, 2012 | 2 Comments

BBC World Service radio leaves Bush House this year. The final broadcast will be a news bulletin on 12th July at midday UK time (Newshour’s final broadcast was on the night of Sunday 1st July, podcast here) so I’ve decided to commemorate the move by trying to find out who Andrew Young was. This fine […]

I was going to wait a respectful period before opining on the late Steve Jobs’ legacy but barely had the dust settled before a cackling Richard Stallman sucked up every last particle, flicked the switch on his Dyson to blow and turned the nozzle on a world still mourning the Apple co-founder’s life and legacy. […]

Kraut Pop

March 31, 2007 | 2 Comments

If you’re looking for something to spice up your CD/MP3 collection and you’re a wee bit bored now with Keane, Coldplay and Embrace then I recommend you take a look across the channel to Germany. Since the early 90’s there’s been a stream of quality rock n’ roll and pop coming out of the likes […]

Along with countrymen Die Toten Hosen, Die Aerzte were the founding members of Germany’s old-school punk generation. The Berliners still command massive respect.

keep looking »