This month sees IBM celebrate its 100th anniversary. Here’s a little bit of IBM  UK history/trip down memory lane. Back in 1989 I was at North Harbour just outside Portsmouth and the boss wanted a pic taken. Here’s the result. The dashing executive on the left is me in a very new Pierre Cardin suit which my Dad bought at Debenhams in Palmerston Road a couple of years before. Fond memories of Jim & Geoff and not forgetting Nora, Claire and all the other lovely Irish lassies . . .


As you can see, the hair had just started to grow and about one year later this picture below was the result. Scraped back into a ponytail but there’s quite a lot down the back. A young Ray Reardon perhaps?

Note also the textual representation of the screen. My mate Jem had a running bet with me that a couldn’t get the word ‘JOBY’ into the internal magazine. With a bit of semantic chicanery I think I just about managed it. We had a lot to worry about in those days 😉



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