Rediscovered track of the month: Apr ’14
April 1, 2014 | 1 Comment
The Cure, Jumping Someone Else’s Train
I didn’t take much notice of The Cure until Nigel at Poly stared in total reverence at the TV one night. “Amazing…the guy is amazing”. To me Robert Smith with his smudged lipstick and crazy hair was always a bit suspect, but praise from Nigel (Mech Eng, 6ft 3 and hard as nails on the Judo mat) was a real eye-opener. I approached them with new respect. This is early Cure I think and I love the sheer jangliness of it all.
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An album for you to try – Alistair the Optimist (google & it’ll come up). Alistair died last year of motor neurone disease and he made an album with his mates with the time he had left. I still enjoy listening to the cd in the car. For an amateur band it’s a good sound.
I met Alistair briefly and I still find it tragic that such a dynamic, vibrant person could die so young, leaving behind two young children.