Annett Louisan
August 12, 2006 | 1 Comment
Annett Louisan is a right little tea-leaf but in the nicest possible way. Mixing Chanson with jazz and modern folk this tiny blond songtress is being compared to Vanessa Paradis sausage-side but this is surely only down to her elfin looks.
Voicewise she’s got far more in common with the UK’s own folk singer Rosie Brown than with Paradis, and if you add in some touches of Norah Jones and Eddie Reader you get great vocals that have that breathy but clear atmosphere the music companies seem to love – without the tweeness of someone like Paradis or fellow German Paula (although second single ‘Wer bin ich Wirklich’ comes close to schoolgirl crooning)
(Unspoken, 100% native)
This second album from Louisan is jazzy, folky and has some sharp lyrics with nice touches of humour here and there too. Standout tracks, ‘Eve’, ‘Wer Bin Ich Wirklich’ (Who’s the real me).
In an interview with radio station NDR2 she says she deliberately eschewed the seemingly more ‘credible’ English for her native German because you “can express more”. After witnessing Sportfreunde Stiller in London last year use the word “onliest” live onstage, I reckon this is probably true. However, Louisan seems to be styling herself as the saviour of a modern Edith Piaf, in which case songwriters should be queuing up to write for her. If she gets herself a decent English lyricist then the road is open for major league success IMHO.
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[…] B . . . recorded in Julian’s high-class studio. Featuring Die Fantastischen Vier, Beehoover, Annett Lousian and others . . . download the podcast […]