March 12, 2006 | Leave a Comment
Like The Datsuns, Boozed worship at the altar of AC/DC and do so with their heads held up high. Personally I think this bunch from Osnabrueck do it with a bit more panache than other Angus-wannabes – their name is a masterpiece for a start. If you want to know what this band are all about then their moniker sums it all up: rock n’ roll, chicks, boys, girls, underage drinking and tunes you can really dance to.
When you add to the mix sing-along choruses, harmonica, sweaty organ and guitar solos so wonderfully fiddly that Bon Jovi would blush then the whole thing adds up to a great second album whether you’re on the dance floor or in your car (esp. if you’re in the car).
Tight Pants
(0% native)
Retro, catchy, uncompromising rock with strong bluesy touch. If you spent the 80’s listening to bands like UFO and Ted Nugent then this is a must-buy. Standout tracks : ‘Move Up’, ‘Laserlight’.
The opening track, the wonderfully named ‘Tight Pants’, will bring a smile to the faces of all blokes who spent their teenage years trying to get into denim that was two sizes too small while trying to persuade Mum to sew on the latest dodgy Black Sabbath arm patch.
The band’s website says: ‘You say cliche, We say classic!’ I’m starting to agree.
Update April 06: Unusually for a German band there will be a UK release. Tight Pants comes out on 28th April 2006 in Blighty.