According to Twitter’s Evan Weaver the average user has 126 followers: Since, on average, each user has 126 followers, it means there are 126 messages placed in the queue for each tweet. Beside that, there are times when the traffic peaks, as it was during Obama’s inauguration when it reached 300 tweets/second or >35,000 messages […]

Today the British Library launch an online digital archive of 2 million pages of newspapers from the 19th century. That’s a tiny fraction of the 750 million pages they have from that golden era of newspapers. It’s well worth the £6.99 daily access fee: Here’s two snippets of miscellany I found from a casual […]

Like singer Bradford Cox this EP from Atlanta’s Deerhunter is a frail, androgynous thing. Occasionally striking but more often than not falling down on the listless side of insipid. Fans of the band will of course know that never straying above second gear is Deerhunter’s thing.

I’ve just spent a day monitoring’s #iranelection feed.

Mark Morrison’s Return of the Mack


June 5, 2009 | Leave a Comment

  It’s days like these that make quitting the world of Linux and non-pre-emptive NOS’ for the world of media so much fun . . .

I’ve just heard the Guardian’s Tanya Gold on World Have Your Say say that Susan Boyle wasn’t on a talent show: Cowell, Morgan and the one with the botox weren’t interested in her talent, they were interested only in her journey. Miss Gold is absolutely right but sadly we’ve been here a thousand times before […]