Rediscovered track of the month: Jan ’16
January 11, 2016 | Leave a Comment
David Bowie, Everyone Says Hi
My earliest memory of Bowie is picking up a book in Bridge of Allan’s library that had a complete chapter on him. It was a history of pop or some such tome and barely into my teens the picture of a guy with a face plastered in rainbow colours certainly caught the attention. . . I think the caption said “androgenous”. I didn’t know what that meant. In my guitar-obsessed teens where songs without solos were tagged as ‘lazy’ Bowie couldn’t compete for attention with the likes of Jimmy Page and Joe Perry but he was always on the periphery of our clique’s consciousness, especially once “Ashes to Ashes” was used in a Young Ones episode.
I got hold of “Heathen” sometime in the early 2000s and despite not being a well-known album it rewards repeated listening. This live performance captures the song’s plaintiveness nicely (if the out of sync audio bugs you try this link for another version). If you’ve ever worked far from friends and family and in a quiet moment wondered if you’d made the right decision then this song is for you.