Nova International
April 15, 2006 | Leave a Comment
Nova International’s second album opens with the type of falsetto chorus that usually has me running a mile but stay a while and the singer pulls it off – it’s quite a joy. Nova’s overall tone on this CD is pretty melancholy and I hear quite a departure from their first album but ‘Bored’ and ‘Let’s Get Romantic’ show how Nova can switch into Stooges-style blocky, fuzz at the drop of a hat; you can almost smell the barre-chords. There are Gang of Four overtones too.
One reviewer on Amazon.de warns of ‘Ohrwurmgefahr’, a beaut example of Jerry phrasing meaning literally ear-worm-danger, and an apt description of this albums slow-burn potential. The tunes work into your subconscious like all good albums but it doesn’t give up its wares freely. Unlike the instant hit of something like Virginia Jetzt or Boozed, Nova are a melancholy bunch and demand repeated listening.
One and One is One
(0% native)
Chilled, emo-rock from southern Germany. Standout tracks: Bored, Pilot, Let’s Get Romantic
I love the cover of the CD too — fag-in-mouth chic is a pretty hackneyed choice as far as album art goes but if you’re gonna do it you might as well do it in style; compare Nova’s cool pic to the spaced-out, jaykey smoker on the cover of The Arctic Monkeys CD. Augsburg wins out over Sheffield in the class stakes at least.