Worst Job in the World?
March 5, 2007 | Leave a Comment
There are crap jobs and then there is being Uday Hussein’s body double. Latif Yahia was press-ganged into the job years ago and apparently even had to undergo plastic surgery to make him a more convincing double. He is now seeking a life in Ireland.
What I particularly like about the way the SKY News reporter penned the above article is the casual almost throwaway style of this para in the middle:
“Yahia went on to spend four and a half years living a bizarre life of luxury, interspersed with assassination attempts by Shiite militia and occasional beatings from Uday.”
Still, silver linings and all that . . . since US forces carried some special plastic surgery of their own on Uday in 2003 at least Yasif can now safely claim the resemblance no longer applies.